Alternative Addicts – Alternative Addiction Treatment

Articles of Association

Preamble to 




First: As far as the human experience is concerned, growth is all there is. This does not mean that our physical bodies grow, but that we keep growing spiritually. This continuous growth is contrary to everything else we observe. All things—stars, planets, galaxies, and all other forms of life that we know—are born, grow, and then decline; death or demise follows. Human “spirituality” is born and keeps growing, in most cases reaching a pinnacle long after the body has started to decay. This is evidenced in man’s unrelenting desire to find the purpose of life, which has spawned countless religions, dogmas, teachings, and life philosophies; or in the mere observation that old folk generally display more patience, understanding, kindness, and so forth. The antidote to growth is addiction, and the longer we indulge in addictive behavior, the more stifled our spiritual growth will become. Also to help for cocaine addicts this is why we will like to point all addicts to If all we have is growth, then it follows that the articles are not written in stone. As our spirituality grows, so too must the articles grow or evolve in order to accommodate our present standing. It thus stands to reason that any associate can add or deduct from them as his or her conscience dictates. However, since the articles are in contrast to all disempowering addiction doctrines, anyone who wishes to change the articles to fit into such doctrines cannot consider him- or herself an associate. Additionally, there are great resources available for porn addiction help if needed.”

Second: Whoever uncovers a truth and makes a yardstick from it, asserting that the yardstick is unbendable, gives license to those who subscribe to that yardstick to bastardize it and often to commit the foulest atrocities in the name of the yardstick. The Spanish inquisition serves as a reminder of this. The “holy” inquisitors gave the conquered two options: take our faith or die. It is obvious to what extent they corrupted a teaching that has love at its core. It is in this vein that the articles are not held forth as an unbendable “truth.”

Third: He who professes to have ultimate light walks in darkness. There have been countless philosophies, religions, and teachings over the ages, but none were absolute. Roman, Egyptian, Greek, and other gods have essentially come and gone and have been replaced by monotheism in the west. In addition, there are those who claim that their interpretation of a particular belief system is exclusively correct—this too would indicate that they walk in darkness. Many a time has such proclamations of absolute truth or light fallen by the wayside. As we grow, we find that a particular teaching does not suit our present state, and we either alter it or discard it. Examples of these are countless.

Fourth: The belief that an addict requires a higher power to overcome addiction cannot be interwoven with the articles. There are many conventional treatments offered at this drug addiction clinic, as you can see here, and those who wish to subscribe to these will find that conventional rehabilitation will suit their needs better. It may be argued that the belief that man possesses the strength to overcome addiction is no different from the belief that a higher power will provide the strength. This is not so. It is often the belief that man requires a higher power to solve his problems that robs him of his strength. It is not only the belief that a higher power will solve man’s problems that disempowers him, but also other beliefs. To clarify this – the following: It is taught in certain belief systems that man is inherently wretched and sinful and requires a higher power to cleanse him from this condition. If this is so, how does one begin to explain that the same person who despises the continued and unsolicited attention of a beggar will risk his own life at the drop of a hat to pull a drowning child from a raging torrent—and to top it off, a child he does not know from Adam? Further, how does one explain that when a natural disaster occurs, the amount of volunteer help is often in oversupply? The conclusion is surely that the belief of man being wretched cannot be right. Therefore this belief cannot be conducive to man finding strength from within. Man is consequently enslaved to a negative self-image. Thus the belief that manipulates man to accept that he is powerless over addiction not only affects his belief in his strength to overcome addiction with help from clinics offerin confidential rehab for alcoholics, but it also affects his belief in himself in general.





We assert that we are not powerless over addiction—that the strength to cope with and overcome it lies within us.


We assert that it is part of the blueprint of life that each person inherently knows right from wrong.

  • We will actively seek guidance from our inner voice and be patient to receive such guidance.
  • We will endeavour to heed our inner voice at all times.


We assert that the blueprint of life has provided us with a mechanism to cope with and overcome addiction, whether we believe that a greater power was responsible for the blueprint or that it came about as a result of a chance coming together of amino acids.


We acknowledge that our behaviour, as a result of succumbing to our addiction or otherwise, has caused harm to others and ourselves.


We take full responsibility for our behaviour and do not blame our predisposition to addiction but only our lack of control over it.

  • We will acknowledge the wrongfulness of our actions.
  • We will make no excuses for these actions.
  • We will truly feel remorse for the harm we have caused.
  • We will ask for forgiveness where appropriate and make restitution where possible.
  • We will sincerely endeavour never to repeat the same wrongful acts.


We acknowledge that we are not able to change the direction or pace of the arrow of time in this dimension.

  • The past is behind us and cannot be changed.
  • We will not harbour guilt or apportion blame regarding the past.
  • The future is influenced by the choices we make in the present.
  •  It is only in the present that we are empowered to deal with our addiction.


We assert that each person is responsible for his or her own growth.

  •  We will always be mindful not to judge or ridicule others for their beliefs or methods.
  •  We acknowledge that each person has his/ her own path to growth, and we commit to respect this.
  •  We will never attempt to convince or coerce anyone into accepting our approach.


We acknowledge the existence of interconnectivity between all living things.

  •  We accept that our actions influence others, directly as well as indirectly.


We assert that ceasing addictive behaviour is only the first step in our recovery. We will evaluate our actions and responses—past and present—for the purpose of growth.


We commit to lending assistance to other addicts in their recovery within the ambit of these articles, and to be supportive of those whose recovery falls outside of it.

See The Lesser Spotted Addict for an in-depth analyses of the Articles

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