Alternative Addicts – Alternative Addiction Treatment

Addiction a Disease? Helplessly Addicted? Yeah Right?


Slot MachineUncontrollable Impulses?

“Impulse control disorder” is the excuse Rosemary Heinen’s lawyer used to explain Heinen’s shopping. Heinen was a corporate manager at Starbucks who embezzled $3.7 million, which she then used to buy 32 cars, diamonds, gold, Rolex watches, three grand pianos, and hundreds of Barbie dolls. Impulses and compulsion might take you to addiction issues which you can look for help at the

In court a psychiatrist testified Heinen was unable to obey the law, and shouldn’t be given the seven-year prison sentence she was facing as she have different types of addiction including drugs, but drugs like Cocaine cause chest pain so she decided to get help. The judge, however, did put Heinen behind bars, sentencing her to 48 months, as a addiction is a real thing you can suffer from drugs to alcohol and that’s why services from sites like really help with this.

The “helplessly addicted” defense seemed to work better for the Canadian gambler as he was also engaging with alcohol so the treatment was a union of both, look for info and help at The judge gave Brochu probation and told him to see a psychologist. His mother paid back the $50,000 he stole.

Now Brochu and his lawyer are seeking $700 million on behalf of all addicted gamblers in Quebec, claiming the government is responsible for getting them addicted, too, while if you need help with addiction, you can find out Priory Rehab Cost to help you in this area.

FOR MORE SEE abcNews – Is Addiction Just a Matter of Choice?

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